Jumpstart® for Younger Puppies

8 Weeks to 5 Months

Jumpstart® for Young Puppies

“Play is the Work of Puppies, so Training Should be Fun” ~ Hillary

Our Curriculum begins on Day 1. 


Jumpstart® for Young Puppies

Our Curriculum begins with potty training, and adds good social skills, building your puppy’s confidence (and yours).

It all begins on Day 1.

Our Daily Curriculum Includes;

  • Daylong Potty Training (plus ringing bells to potty outside),
  • Daily training outside and in our temperature-controlled Nursery,
  • Sit, Down, Go to Bed, Recall (Come!),
  • Walk nicely on a leash, Greet new dogs politely,
  • Safe Socialization (Social Skills) via carefully moderated play with an emphasis on good manners and impulse control.

Jumpstart is an All-Inclusive Program offering private time when you need it plus Saturday morning class for you and your family (children are welcome).

Your puppy can begin as early as 8 weeks old, or as soon as you’ve had a Well Puppy Exam with your vet.

The best way to get started is to bring your puppy for a visit to the Jumpstart Nursery. It’s a great way to socialize your puppy and learn about our program.

If you are in a hurry or have questions, please call us at 415-453-4515. We would love to hear from you.

Puppy Socialization – When to Start?

Answer: Immediately.

Things have changed. Years ago we waited till puppies had all their shots before taking them outdoors. Today we get them to classes and into programs at 8 weeks old.

What’s Changed?

Recent studies reveal puppies have protective antibodies from their mothers which provide considerable protection.

The Good News

Puppies that are socialized as early as 8 weeks old develop better social skills and confidence than puppies that are held back.

The Imperative of Early Socialization – How important is it? You may be surprised

Check out this great source on how to socialize your puppy.

Puppy Socialization – When to Start?
Check out this great source on how to socialize your puppy.